Christine and The Key have taught me to embrace accept that I can achieve absolutely anything. The power of connecting the mind and The Universe is so utterly profound.
I put an intention out to The Universe that one day I’d be in Vogue and the miracle happened. In less than one week the truly inspiring designer Jayne Pierson asked me to model her collection. After letting go of past pains and people, my pictures are on Vogue for all to see. Wow. Thankyou Universe and Christine for your love, inspiration and support.
Now my life mission is of course to continue and expand my creative career to its full potential but also to share the limitless possibilities of The Key. I am so excited for the years ahead. I want to help inspire women of all ages, who have experienced challenges and obstacles realize they can and will achieve their dreams by helping them find their inner goddess.
Questions, issues or concerns? I'd love to help you!